Why you need to clean out your closet after reaching a weight loss goal

When is the right time to clean out the closets during your weight loss journey? Do you wait until you have reached your ultimate goal to get rid of clothes that are too big or clean out the closet as the weight comes off? I recently surpassed the 30 pounds lost mark and the accomplishmentContinueContinue reading “Why you need to clean out your closet after reaching a weight loss goal”

The Packing Challenge

I did it! I finally packed light for a trip and I will do it again. I had planned to test my compact packing skills on my upcoming trip to San Francisco but decided to give it a shot on my mini trip to Vancouver instead. Typically on a short trip I would pack aContinueContinue reading “The Packing Challenge”

Packing: the art of throwing it all in

I have never been much of a packer. I am fantastic at unpacking and I live for organizing, but packing has never been an art I have much speciality in. Before every trip I find myself browsing Pinterest for hours in awe of the women who can pack one carry-on for a month away. WhatContinueContinue reading “Packing: the art of throwing it all in”